Who Watches the Watchmen?

Who Watches the Watchmen?

Years ago, as far back as recorded history, people that are governed have always asked the question: Who polices the policy makers? Or, more succinctly, How can we be so sure as to prevent our leaders from being corrupted by the power that they yield?

History has shown us that we cannot. As much as we would like to believe it, Absolute power does corrupt absolutely even the best intentioned man.

The ‘memo’ was recently released. As most of you know (unless you’ve lived in your basement colluding with the Russians) it has been promised to be a ‘blockbuster’ which exposes all of the abuses and politicizing of the FBI, Department of Justice, and the office of the President.

Yes, so what? This is nothing new.

One of the platforms that Barack Obama campaigned upon was the ‘Transparency of government’. He stated in Cedar Falls, IA in August of 2007 that: ” We have to take the blinders off the White House. The more people know about what’s going on in Washington, and how their tax dollars are being spent, and who’s raising money for who, the less likely it is that major decisions will be hijacked by lobbyists and special interests.”

We all know how that turned out. His Administration became one of the most secretive of recent times.

The current president is under siege by both sides of the political spectrum in the current Washington, D.C.

Now, let’s examine how this animosity to one elected man came to be.

The country has been run by the collusion of the two political  parties since George H.W. Bush lost the election to Bill Clinton.  In fact, if you remember, that election was famous for the inclusion of Ross Perot on the ticket.(a billionaire businessman, hmmm) and it was Bush that clearly stated that Perot cost them  (the Republicans) the election.

Now, here is where I start to sound nutty but bear with me.

So, after the loss of the election to Bill Clinton, the elder Bush began upon his plan to maintain control of the country and the elections.  As has been emphatically stated numerous times Bill Clinton makes note of the admiration he has for H.W.

Thus, after Bill got done, suddenly H.W’s son became elected President after some ‘chads’ were found hanging around.

Now, here’s where I really start to sound like the tin foil hat crowd.  I contend that Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton conspired to begin a dynasty of American Politics.  The agreement was that after Bill, George W. would take over to finish his father’s work (how else would a very nice yet publicly disinteresting man run and win the Presidency of the United States? His only prior political experience was as Governor of Texas). After George, it was agreed upon to have Hillary Clinton, the former first lady, obtain the Presidency to finish the agenda of Bill Clinton’s.

Then, something happened: Populism.

Barack Obama, another inexperienced politician (less than one term as U.S. Senator) began to garner popularity amongst the citizens who were staid against the status quo. This didn’t go unnoticed to Harry Reid, a political Mafioso if there ever was one. He saw an opportunity and arranged to have Hillary take a side step (with Bill’s blessing), and have Barack Obama win the election and then have Hillary win the next round.  Not only would this give the Democrats the bragging rights to having the first African American President but it would subsequently own the party of the first Woman President.

Now, before you go, “you’re out of your mind!” ponder this: If the Republicans were really serious about taking the White House again why would they run a man who was almost twice the age of an ascendantly popular young pol? The Republicans began the election already in the runner up position. After this election tanked they decided to run a milquetoast Mormon in the 2012 election. You want to talk about running behind? Not only couldn’t Mitt Romney debate a lamppost there is no religion more despicable to a Catholic than the Mormons. Thus, the reelection was guaranteed to Barack Obama.

And, once again, the fix was supposed to be in. With Barack having held the White House for two terms it was now Hillary Clinton’s turn. She was ceremoniously given the position of Secretary of State to give her greater credibility than just being a Senator from New York. She was supposed to be a shoe in.

Then, something again happened: Populism.

Only this time it was true Populism. The man who garnered the attention was a brash, reality show hawking braggart billionaire. Donald Trump.

Thus, with the election of this semi-outsider (remember, as a developer Donald had to be chummy with a great deal of politicians) the status quo was upset. Now, not only was there an outsider in the White House, he couldn’t be bought. Because as much money as a politician has, Donald has more.

The ties run deep in the old Washington. Robert Mueller, the lead prosecutor in the Russian collusion hearings, was appointed by George W., kept on by Barack, and had past dealings with the Clintons. Additionally, Eric Holder, the former Attorney General, was appointed by Barack, served in a similar smaller role under George W. and he was actually appointed to his first political post by President Reagan. These people would like nothing better than to run President Trump off and just pound his soul into the mud.

Which brings me back to the original sentence: Who Watches the Watchmen?

Apparently, no one. Because the deep waters in Washington are corrupt with power and ego. While we the people attempted to break that cycle we are seeing now how abused the elected President is. We only have to pray that his fighting spirit will continue and help him break these people bit by bit.

On a final note, we, as Americans, should be appalled at the abuse of power that is being exposed as evident. If they are willing to commit another Watergate and shrug it off, then what have they been doing to us, the normal citizens, as we spill our guts on social media?

I repeat, question everything, stand for something, and don’t follow the sheep. You were given the freedom to think as you should, then do so and not because someone tells you how to.

I apologize for the rambling of this post.


About Edward

Lifelong reader Over thirty years in the automotive repair side of the business Writer of numerous short stories, children's stories, two novels and two film scripts (so far)
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