Death on a Picnic Table

Reuters : July 3, 2013

Before you reach for that multi-colored scoop of sweet goodness, watch out for the excessive amount of calories and pesticides says the CSPI.

Tuesday, in anticipation of the upcoming July 4 holiday where more Americans than ever will be attending picnics and reveling in eating out, the Center for Self proclaimance and Perceived Importance released their findings on a picnic standby, Fruit Salad.

“The amount of calories that can possibly be hidden in syrups and sugars that your Aunt Betsy add could be tragic. And, that doesn’t take into the account the possible minute traces of pesticides that can build up in a body over the course of 70 to 80 years. ”

The CSPI, a self-proclaimed consumer advocacy group which allows them privileges not even the Tea Party can have,  release this type of mindless

fruit salad drivel every six to eight months to justify their existence.

“Did you know that a medium banana is over 100 calories? Imagine that with another 12 pieces of fruit. It boggles the mind!” Feinstein gushed animatedly as he chewed a piece of celery and then proceeded to spit out the fibrous remains.

“If it wasn’t for our group continually telling people how ignorant they are in terms of nutritional knowledge, they wouldn’t know what to do.” Feinstein added.  “Look at the shape I’m in. I’m 6’ and I weigh only 135 pounds. I’m the picture of health!”

So, the next time you reach for your 7th or 8th helping of fruit salad, remember, you could be setting your body up for extreme obesity and cancerous growths in the years when your on life-support. Thank goodness for groups such as the CSPI to keep us straight.

About Edward

Lifelong reader Over thirty years in the automotive repair side of the business Writer of numerous short stories, children's stories, two novels and two film scripts (so far)
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